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How to Keep 2020 from Being Your Fertility Clinic's Worst Year

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With ASRM putting out the recommendation to cease treatment and patient contact during the COVID-19 Pandemic, clinics across the country are struggling to adjust the new normal. These changes are making impacts not only immediately, but in the long-term as well. Planning for life after the crisis is crucial at this stage. But what can we do to get ahead of the game?

In a special webinar series, Griffin Jones, President of Fertility Bridge, has put together actionable steps you can take to help your clinic be prepared for the field’s downturn during this time of crisis. This webinar covers what you can do from a marketing perspective to get your clinic set up for success once the recommended restrictions are lifted. Griffin covers the changes in marketing objectives, the new audience our field has, and what hasn’t changed with the growing pandemic. 

Watch the full webinar here. 

Even during the Great Recession in 2008-2009, IVF volume as a whole didn’t decrease. Interest in Assisted Reproductive Technology didn’t change. And it isn’t changing today. While people are at home, they are still researching the technology and the steps to take once the recommended restrictions are lifted. 

The goal is getting them interested in YOU. To succeed when the pandemic has ended, the key will be to have patients ready to convert to treatment quickly and easily. Pack the top of your funnel as much as you can with new patient consults and build a waiting list for treatments starting in Q3. 

What can you do to keep your funnel full and ensure your business thrives after this is all over? Here are 4 (of many!) actionable steps you can take today. 

  • Update your messaging

    • The news surrounding COVID-19 is scary. Making your messaging hopeful and personal can draw people in to you. Keep your messaging updated as recommendations change based on your state and ASRM.

  • Hold virtual consults

    • Telemedicine isn’t novel, but video consults are new. In the past, cancellations have been high, making the use of telehealth an idea on the back burner. Today, it is our only option. Patients are stuck at home and may have more time on their hands to finally make the appointment and learn more about their options for treatment. 

  • Spend more time on social media

    • Our clients have seen a boom in their engagement on social media, both paid and organic. Those who are actively putting out information to their patients and potential patients are reaching thousands more than they had in months prior. With less patients in your office, now is a good time to generate new content and interact with those interested in your services. 

  • Boost your marketing, don’t cut it

    • Instead of looking at New Patient Visits and IVF volumes, switch your attention to others: Online Conversions, Social Media Reach, Positive Reviews, Phone Calls, etc. Reach people in new ways through different marketing channels. Experiment! Now isn’t the time to hold back on reaching your audience. 

If your clinic needs individualized help, schedule a consultation and get your COVID-19 toolkit here

Stay tuned for additional webinars covering handling staff reductions, financing during the downturn, digital consents, and more.