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Every Fertility Center Needs a HIPAA Compliant Social Media Strategy: An interview with Mike Bossenbroek

By Griffin Jones

This was the first interview that I did in a series exploring the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its implications regarding digital media. I originally recorded this interview in August of 2015,  before the Fertility Bridge blog was active in its current form. Per usual, my video intro is corny, and very crudely edited, but the content is very valuable because practices should educate themselves about HIPAA considerations in social media as much as they can.

Michael Bossenbroek practices healthcare law in Michigan. Of course, Mr. Bossenbroek's comments are NOT legal advice, but they give us important information to consider about how fertility centers should approach social media and patient engagement. In this interview, we address

  • What are some things that a HIPAA compliant social media policy should include?

  • Where should a fertility practice's social media policy be visible?

  • What else should fertility practices consider when deciding their activity on social media?

Michael Bossenbroek is a partner at Wachler & Associates, P.C.  in Royal Oaks Michgian. Mr. Bossenbroek practices in all areas of health care law, including representing clients in matters relating to HIPAA compliance. If you'd like to learn more about HIPAA compliance from Mike, you can contact him here.