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Why on Earth Would an RE Review Google and Yahoo?

By Griffin Jones

Did I miswrite the title of this blog post? Aren't reproductive endocrinologists reviewed on Google and other search engines, not the other way around?

If you believe in content marketing, it's because you've seen results from it. If you've seen results from content marketing, then you likely agree with Gary Vaynerchuk when he says that every company is a media company.

Your fertility center is a media company. This is the thesis of the free e-book, Digital Marketing for Fertility Centers. Content marketing works because it engages, educates, or entertains people. 

The issue of IVF coverage as part of employee compensation is a hot-topic issue for many professional women, especially in silicon valley. Hot issues invite commentary. Most fertility centers will leave this commentary to CNBC, CNN, the Huffington Post...you know, the media companies.

But you're a media company too, remember? People find and choose your practice online because of the connection they form with you. Content builds connections. This is a simple assignment for you, as an RE, to baby-step your fertility clinic into a small media company.

Take a look at all of the benefits offered by different  companies in the US and Canada. This message board may give you a head start. Just do a little bit of research to make sure the information is correct. You can rate companies from your own experience, you can interview company representatives, or you can simply add your take to the latest news article on the subject. You can record video or  write a blog post; this is just an assignment. The habits toward a much greater shift from fertility center to media company/fertility center are what enable your practice to grow in the Digital Age.