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How to Replace OB/GYN Referrals During a Shutdown

After this is all over, it is likely that our patient acquisition funnels are going to shrink after a short-term surge. Noticing trends in other industries, such as home-building and manufacturing, there are massive drops in output, and it is likely to trickle into other industries as well. The key to success when restrictions are lifted will be keeping our acquisition funnels full. 

Before COVID-19, 60% of a fertility center’s patients came from their OB/GYNs and other MD referrals. But if people aren’t seeing their doctors regularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how else are clinics going to get patients?

On a live webinar, Griffin, Founder of Fertility Bridge, lays out the Fertility Patient Acquisition Funnel and what clinics can do to keep the top of their funnels full, ensuring a steady stream of patients after the surge that will come when restrictions are lifted. 

Watch the full webinar here.